Professional Experience

Station to Station | 2023
Core gameplay design and implementation
Onboarding, controls, interactions design and implementation
🏆 INDIGO23 Winner: Best Game

52 weeks


Herald: A Period Drama | 2020
Staging the story in 3D environments
UI improvements
Herald: A Period Drama on Steam
Book III & IV to be released soon.

52 weeks

Personal projects
wip :)
School projects
wip :)
About me

My name is Jordi van der Hulst. A graduated game designer and gameplay programmer (C#) I worked on Station to Station as a technical game designer.
I have always been intriqued about video games, playing them before I could talk. When I was eight years old it was my dream to create games in the future. I created my first small platformer when I was eleven.
My passion for making games has grown, while also getting more excited about story-driven games. I love to create immersive worlds in which players can experience and learn new exciting things.
My field of expertise is technical design with a passion to juice things up. From creating back-end solutions and development tools to creating gameplay, UI, stories and music.